Anoraneeyana Mahatho Maheeyana - (jagadhodharana, Purandaradasar)
Anoraneeyath mahathomaheeyath- (Vedas)
Before we connect all the terms in the title, defining each one is important
Define Black hole : As given by wikipedia , the most easiest definition is "a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape."
It is also said "Black holes of stellar mass are expected to form when very massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. After a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing mass from its surroundings. By absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes, supermassive black holes of millions of solar masses (M☉) may form. There is general consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centers of most galaxies."
Alright, what is white hole ?
Thanks to Wikipedia,
"In general relativity, a white hole is a hypothetical region of space time which cannot be entered from the outside, although matter and light can escape from it. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole, which can only be entered from the outside and from which matter and light cannot escape."
So, if a black hole is formed, white hole phenomena or effect takes place. Meaning both coexist.
We all know any radiation has a wavelength and particle moving/kinetically in a particular wavelength. Eg: Light which is an electromagnetic radiation and requires no medium to be transmitted. Its property is dual nature , meaning it has particle moving as waves.
The same aspect of duality prevails in everything in the name of energy and matter relationship. Yet, according to its nature/property characteristic: each is different from one another because of varieties in matter but energy is one, it is either kinetic moving from one matter to another or potential/holding a matter together.
We can also say anDe stavarena eti shaktyow shivam, jangamena eti shaktiyow jananam .
THEORY 1: So, this dual nature of light, technically light particles/matter moving constantly as light energy cannot be reflected, refracted or transmitted in the central core of black hole thus forming white hole phenomena. From stars perspective, the light particles or matter has huge masses and energy and thus when two stars with huge kinetic energy /dying star
greater than the potential energy holding the masses collides, naturally the kinetic energy must interchange releasing the matter it holds , this phenomena should be the reason the black hole has very high temperature and other energetic aspects. This matter release forms the white hole phenomena and energetic interaction - the black hole core. This energy does not allow any matter to interact with it leaving all the radiations absorbed in core keeping it dark/black yet the matter after releasing its kinetic energy finds itself entangled in a centripetal force with a centrifugal reaction until such time the core energy interchange process has reached balance. There is no unit of measurement or titrant to titrate with indicator showing the end point of this energy interaction balance and that is why we are finding it difficult to prove this energetic interaction. This is a pure energy and though all energy is same yet the difference in energy released from two stars creates a temporary difference in matter potential energy, similar to spin quantum numbers +-1/2 that allows the matter to revolve around the core creating a white hole phenomena. This kinetic energy interaction of those two donated stars attracts other energies from the nearby matter such that those matter which has donated its energies enter into white hole phenomena. How is the balance reached? Note: This energetic reaction is against the laws of nature which is energy matter interaction. Until such time the free potential energy in matter is greater than energy entrapped, after which the core bursts out giving birth to new stars or it is actually the same old stars but new program of aging installed in it. This should be further understood separately as new post.
First to talk about the similarity of the above concept in human psychology we need to define psychology.
Thanks to wikipedia again,
"Psychology is the science of behavior and mind, including conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought. It is an academic discipline of immense scope and diverse interests that, when taken together, seek an understanding of the emergent properties of brains, and all the variety of epiphenomena they manifest. As a social science it aims to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases."
The mind is a powerful energetic state wherein it arises from physical human brain/matter.
The matter- energy interaction theories should be applicable to human brain-psychology relationship.
A person stuck in his own thoughts tends to circulate his past, present in a 3 dimensional shell similar to black hole while all his thought process, actions and behavior becomes a white hole phenomena of centripetal force with a centrifugal reaction. Here two powerful thought which has been experienced by the physical body/ultimately the brain, forms this shell. How can we relate two or more thoughts with dying stars?
One thought which should have been highly positive, action or goal or that which has been valued most by that person over time and the other a situation which blocks this powerful thought colliding resulting in interchange of energies. Since this interchange is pure energy in the brain communication, the black core is again not witnessed yet heating effect should be witnessed by the fMRI if observed carefully. This heat is in the range from normal to fever temperature.
This same phenomena is observed in cancer conditions wherein energy from a process within a cell/genetic material interacts with another cell/ genetic material interchanging its cell /genetic program code (the software behind) and intertwines to form a black hole core, the physical cell becomes confused and cell signaling is messed up. This happens like a cascading process sometimes can be compared to a nuclear fission reaction wherein this confused program is like the neutrons which initiates the chain reaction of other cells. The core grows by this reaction until such time the core bursts out allowing the cancerous cells/matter resulting in metastasis.
The next post will be Shiva the process inside black hole.
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