Hi all,
New post with some proof related to it.
The immune system is the most involuntary memory system , the brain's glial cells, astrocytes are the immune cells to brain, why cant they be used for memory consolidation and reconsolidation process? and be used for amnesic patients?
we have a proof that glial cells certainly plays a role in short term memory(see below) why not long term and self initiating memory without learning, I mean spontaneous memory?
Role of Glia cells in the formation of memory in the brain
(Submitted on 18 May 2009)
We build on progress in understanding the role of glia cells in building the initial networks in the foetal brain. This has led us to make three significant postulates. Short term memory results from glia cells forming speculative links directly and solely as a result of neural activity generated by life experiences. These temporary 'glia bridges' create long term memory by stimulating the growth of axons, dendrites and synapses and providing the pathways enabling permanent neural structures to be created. Problem solving, idea creation and memory maintenance results from this fundamental algorithm for how the brain generates new links.