Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How can a brain stay solid?

Hi all,
Yesterday I was watching an episode named CSI.  There I remember seeing a scene wherein there is an accident happening which was actually a murder and there is a brain been fallen off which does not belong to the person who has died in accident. I am just wondering if a human brain actually stay solid without fixing. If yes how is that it is solid?Even if this happens in low temperature climatic places.. though here in this serial it is in Arizona state in Las Vegas, which is hot place I think also it does not have any muscle like structure in it and there is no bone other than the cranium which surrounds it. There is another episode which says a person killed by inserting a sharp pen . Even if the person is damn old still the cranium is not so easy to allow sharp insertion into the brain to have it damaged... I don't know how much of these episodes is practical.  

Saturday, September 3, 2011

the attractive black hole and universe a fully evolution human like form

Today let me call "|my blog day". This is my second consecutive post I am posting from the radiant brain of light with unknown source or from source of dust illuminated to become a thought paves way and comes out as a star or a post here :)

This talk made me feel universe is a human . Well not with a skin of epithelial cells bundling the bone and muscles and etc etc. Imagine a human made of light a brain of light bundled with a dark space here can be called a drum since a drum is made of skin and hides elongated , fitted and beaten with a stick or hand to produce sound.   What is this black hole? Well Human eye:) What ? Yes when I happen to see this talk and see my ted profile picture. I concluded this that the human named universe has a compound eyes with simple eye resolution and characteristic. I still remember Prof Mike Land, University of Sussex, who took the eyes and its resolution in my course saying if you wanna build a compound eye with a simple eye resolution you need a size of the sun may be :) So this universe has different types of cell named stars and sees using black holes but how does it think?

Though I have posted my comment in the talk let me post the same questions here.
My point is what the speaker is actually looking at is the big bang sound to be recorded which happend in the past. What the big bang sound may actually do in the near future? is there any other big sounds predicted apart from the big bang done in this milky way or the black holes drumming the space ? How about the central draw the universe possess . Is there any sucking the air using a straw noise recorded from the universe? the craters the space possesses is the black holes and the path it takes through the white light of stars. Is there a pour of stars somewhere born from dust recorded what we can co relate to as something like a waterfall. is there any movement prediction of these stars walking along the drum or space? what I call it "the locomotion of the universe". Why is universe behaving like a human employed to some firm or organisation working and what is its pay or return for its working?
:)  In all the hindu philosophies this universe is called Brahman or brahmi or indra or Shiva or Visvarupa or Brahmam:) so may be if yu read this first and tune your brain into this I think the topic science from the Thaitriya upanishad can be understood better:)

the flowery tale

Well the flower story begins here.
One of the most fascinating video I have ever come across is this video in TED.com.
the intelligence system used by the flowers is quite stunning. This video actually made me think that the animal brain is far more inferior than the plant system. I still wonder where the plants have the brain to think and do these things. But ah ah the insect or any animal brain is superior in movement and is kinetic while the plant has the potential to do its job static . This is what I call the real boss in the world. It sits in one place and commands the whole world to work for it and pays us salary which is called the food.

  1. The static illusions and dormant observers get their job(pollination) helps us to learn and apply in the advance intelligence system.
  2. How is that the plant creates or develops its flower based on insect sensory system? And Vice versa.
  3. What made the total flaw system of insect pollination pushed into absolute method of pollination of plants. (may be China learnt this system quite well and that's why there is static potential of rise in economy seen by mere numbers like what a flower does releasing millions of its pollen and deceiving the insect to lay eggs in it while the in just a under employment of drinking nectar?On the other hand India struggling to unite and drive its people towards rise in economy though it is equally potent but is innocent and does not actually know how to deceive just like a plant does?  ) This thought makes me smile from economy point of view its a shame .
  4. I see the human brain s most attractive flowers such as rose, lily, jasmine are more sensual and emotional attached to the most evolved brain function such as cognition and perception and visual patterns done by your brain may be correlates the flowers appearance? I mean you like rose because your visual brain makes similar patterns in case of pleasant emotions and when you give your emotion a color ends up into rose and when you give your mood a smell it ends up into jasmine?
  5. I see a far more potent plant sensory system than animal yet to be discovered and has anyone shed their light as how a plant actually makes these flowers so purposefully and knowledgeably. I am sure something in them does literature survey though it takes time which we call it evolution but is successful.


    Friday, September 2, 2011

    Science in thaitriya upanishad or thaitriya upanishad is one among the fundamental science

    transformation of thought to blog
    Hi all,
    After a very long time, I feel Its time for me to post a new perspective of self.
    according to thaitriya upanishad, Brahman or the eternal bliss (in simple term) defines everything. That is you are made of your body and soul.. before arguing into what is body and soul, lets get into wat body and soul is made of from this upanishad. It says"you are made of  food, prana, thought and bliss which is in sanskrit annamaya, pranamaya, manonmaya, Vigyanamaya and ananthamaya kosas". food is all the living degradable substance the chemistry and biology, prana the organo- inorganic chemistry which is filled in the confined space of earth to be used by every degradable biological system, we can even call it the food(anna) is the food of prana and prana is locked in anna and is consumed by the anna, you are the food and you are created in food, you consume food and ultimately you are consumed by the food, a highly worldly substance yet it is fundamental.                  

    Next, prana, the first involuntary function of your body divided into prana, apana, vyana, udhana and samana, krukara, devadatta and dhananjaya which is the inorganic chemistry of the basic biology(food) the vital energies or reactions such as respiration, digestion, excretion, secretion, circulation etc while dhananjaya is the ultimate energy needed by the body to realize its soul to the Brahman or eternal bliss which is seen during transformation time (exit from the world).  

    Manomaya kosa is highly simple yet complex. Here is where the actual top to down concept of neuroscience begins to shed its light. this manomaya means the thought process attached to drive involuntarily activities such as prana(as a whole) and anna (food) which is the basic matter or the workers. Here we see how the food {physical matter in the brain and the inorganic chemistry or the involuntary activities going on in the brain actually co ordinates itself tuning into environmental and other external factors registers or drives using thought (can be called memory, learning, neuronal firing etc)} to carry the system for its survival in this world.  According to Bhagavad gita mind is the chariot driven by senses as horses and goes on with respect to the horses though you still have the rope to control it yet you are new to drive it and it comes through diligent practice to control it and drive it.

    Vigyanamaya kosa means the knowledge of properties and understanding the cascade of process. The science behind everything happening inside us and outside. For example consider food, here in this planar dimension, the properties of food and its interaction leading to cascade or web of events or process makes it unique and considered more satisfying in realizing the purpose of our existence. But is it ultimate?

     Anandamaya kosa is eternal bliss . What is that ? It is where the act of free will, comes into action. Then ? It is where the sporadic nature of the system itself is seen. Then? It is where spontaneity plays a role. Then? It is where knowledge about researching your system paves way to understand you. What?  Yes knowledge about you is act of inert understanding , tracking down the activities going on inside you. You can think about whats going on around you and the sensual things around you but you fail to track the day to day activities you do. You try to know it again externally using methods such as science to explore the world of you observed by others, like you only know eyes and its function from books and methods to understand eyes is using animal or what not something other than you . you don't diagnose anything, the trained physician puts his efforts and mind to observe you.  This is the first step in knowledge but we stand in this basic. Unless or until our system shows any symptom we are least bothered about what it does except thirst, hunger etc and bothered more about the senses and sensual reactions such as anger, praise, comparison etc. We never think like now where are we seeing? Why is that we are seeing. What is actually meant by seeing? When we see what is happening? We fail to attach the thought process of every action done by us. If we attach we see how complex we are and we try to understand ourselves not just philosophically but practically too. This approach is done only for rare occasions by us psychological affect we have due to stress or anything. Then we think why the hell are we focusing on that and try to recover or analyse but fail to analyse each and everything we do. Now the act of typing is the act of spontaneity, the act of free will driven by the anandamaya kosa of me(physical) using the knowledge of typing in the Vigyanamaya kosa/planar region acting through the manomaya kosa- the thought, which initiates the involuntary prana to dedicate and supply energy to my anna or food which is my physical brain. This thought though prevalent regardless of space, time and confinement that is me is now being initiated by the unconfined, time independent, space independent knowledge or Brahman (being called). The knowledge takes a form called thought strikes me (the physical form) is now transformed into words and letter and sentences and confined meaning here in this blog. But yes again this thought about me, what I do or think and what is self is one but can be understood in infinite forms. That is why the knowledge is one but its hands to understand(can be called guaniyn) is infinity. "One in many and many in one" you are the source and you alone is evolutionary, blessed to express yourself about the knowledge or self(can be called brahman here) tuned by your thoughts like a radio tuning the frequency it chooses. 

    These things going on in my mind expressed here is initiated by the act of trying excavate what death is or transformation is . As I mentioned before, to follow something is basic and researching on it is the next step, I tried to follow the path of harmonious way to die combining the mind and body, concentrating on the factors usually seen in transformation or death here. I figured that two things in me (consciously) is functioning in confining me into the space called me. they are the breath and the next is the current or energy between your eyebrows activating the upper lid of your eyes to function rapidly and not letting you to concentrate on your temple . My prana of  live energy is  attached to my anna or my eyebrow point call it the pineal gland (may be) narrows my path of thought or manomaya, to think below that energy and functions normally that is external conscious and normal day to day activity done unconsciously, fails to see the space around the thought (above this energy force physically above the pineal gland) or you which is infinite consciousness of self or brahman. 

    People, you may call it philosophy preached, but I see this post as the actual "Philosophy of Doctorate/PhD of basic science". 

    Friday, February 18, 2011

    immune cells in long term automatic memory :)

    Hi all,

    New post with some proof related to it.
    The immune system is the most involuntary memory system , the brain's glial cells, astrocytes are the immune cells to brain, why cant they be used for memory consolidation and reconsolidation process? and be used for amnesic patients?
    we have a proof that glial cells certainly plays a role in short term memory(see below) why not long term and self initiating memory without learning, I mean spontaneous memory?

    Role of Glia cells in the formation of memory in the brain

    We build on progress in understanding the role of glia cells in building the initial networks in the foetal brain. This has led us to make three significant postulates. Short term memory results from glia cells forming speculative links directly and solely as a result of neural activity generated by life experiences. These temporary 'glia bridges' create long term memory by stimulating the growth of axons, dendrites and synapses and providing the pathways enabling permanent neural structures to be created. Problem solving, idea creation and memory maintenance results from this fundamental algorithm for how the brain generates new links.
    Comments:5 pages
    Subjects:Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC)
    Cite as:arXiv:0905.2836v1 [q-bio.NC]

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    school questions

    Hi all,
    I am back with some shooters which is actually school age questions though :)
    When I was eating my brunch now (everybody does that nothing unusual), I tried to map the food eating actions and it sort of puzzled me..
    there are lot of complicated actions brain does within no time, I agree and this research by itself is voluminous but when I swallowed the food I realize the food in the food pipe descends with very great speed which is least controlled by the voluntary action control system of brain (general terms), I tried to slow down but I couldn't, I was wondering  why
    1. may be the descending velocity gained by the food is enhanced by the gravitational pull to a certain extent?
    2. may be the role of gravity is not there at all? (possible?)
    3. if yes how is the respiratory system works with ease releasing the CO2 outside (comparing with respect to the gravity only )
    4. how does heart pumps blood higher to its level of location and against the gravity?
    5. why is that we do not feel the difficulty in these against gravity mechanisms inside our body.
    I am trying to think everything in terms of basic physics and mechanics.

    If these are understood we have a huge application in terms of aerodynamics and space science etc and what not.

    part 2

    the voluntary actions just as walking, learning etc are intensely studied I do not know how far the involuntary actions such as digestion, respiration, reproduction, circulation is done from neuroscience point of view .. Can some one light me in this? 

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    Is societal behaviour evolutionary?

    Hi all,
    Actually now I am watching a documentary named "Why we love" in discovery channel. There I realise the psychology of love. How evolutionary it is. But if I see all the love, lust, sex factors to be evolutionary from chimp, gorilla and that of man's (In detail watch discovery) how is that brain also has factors such as shyness, complex cognitive aspects such as shame, guilt, tricks, cheating, betray etc ... Are these evolutionary ? This question arises because I haven t seen any female animal being shy or guilt doing sex or love, though cheating is nature s way to survive still only with purpose it does and not like humans when we dont know why we do this.

    any comments?

    Friday, January 7, 2011

    holistic video might be a good approach

    After a very long time I am updating my blog .. :)
    When I use to read papers and journals for any topic , I use to find lots of misleading words, contradicting sentences confusing english even in top journals, yet it is a practice for your research and you gain experience to take what you want from those papers and filter out others . I thought why is that only some topics or superficial school topics are only in videos and there are lot of youtube videos individually telling only research without integrating. For eg. consider we are trying to learn the aplysia's feeding mechanism, there we might find individual electrophysiological recordings, individual molecular mechanisms involved in it etc etc as videos, but we do not find the bridge between them. There should be some professional shooting company which sponsors researchers and other youtube videos wherein they try to integrate and help young researchers to understand even  better and reduce the misleading approaches of papers and their sentences in it. I call it a holistic approach and this might improve the interest in research more rapidly and effectively than any other means.
    Any comments?